freight forwarding companies in Saudi Arabia

freight forwarding companies in Saudi Arabia In order to meet consumer demand, commercial activity has recently increased, particularly e-commerce. As a result, freight forwarding companies now play a crucial role in the Saudi market by offering a variety of services with the best quality and the lowest prices, which helps to boost trade rates and the country’s economic growth.

Belt & Road Company

Being a major player in internal freight forwarding within the Kingdom, Belt & Road is one of the greatest shipping businesses both within and outside of Saudi Arabia,  Due to the skills and competencies the business possesses, it is qualified to carry out the shipping process as completely and effectively as feasible. Additionally, it has developed a specialty in offering BARQ service to clients inside the Kingdom, which streamlines the delivery of goods and services to clients anywhere in the Kingdom.

The company hires a serious and distinguished team with a high level of experience, efficiency, and effectiveness to provide shipping service to the fullest. It also has numerous warehouses and warehouses equipped with the best equipment to store goods and products and keep them from damage, and it provides fast and heavy shipping service for large-scale shipments, such as shipments of transportation of household furniture, electrical appliances, and others.

The company provides shipping service with a high level of sophistication, efficiency, and effectiveness, as well as at distinctive prices that are competitive in comparison to other companies, in addition to at distinctive prices that are competitive in comparison to other companies.

The company employs Chinese specialists and interpreters to become acquainted with the intricacies of the Chinese market and to import from it, and it works with all Chinese traders, suppliers, and factories to provide the best services.

The company has a staff of customer care representatives who are responsible for providing customer support and responding to their queries and inquiries via:

  • contact number: 966557310095
  • email:

Aramex Shipping Company

It is at the forefront of freight forwarding companies to Saudi Arabia by providing freighting services to all customers, including individual merchants, businesses, and institutions. The company serves a variety of global markets, giving it a competitive advantage and distinguishing itself from other shipping and transportation companies on a local and international scale. Because of its remarkable performance in land, sea, and air freight services, the company has a strong fan following both inside and outside of Saudi Arabia.

The company has all of the capabilities that allow it to provide shipping services to its customers both inside and outside the Kingdom, as it employs skilled labor and has certificates of experience approved by specialized bodies in the field of shipping, and it provides several customs and tax facilities to its customers through a team of customs brokers.

Al Fahad Al , Arabi Company

The company is founded on certain foundations and international and licensed systems to perform its freighting services, which ensures the quality of the shipments transported of goods and products, as The company has a distinct customer service and a high level of efficiency and effectiveness and is available 24 hours a day, as it is committed to the dates of transportation of shipments and their timely delivery to customers. and Because the company provides proper guarantees on the shipments delivered, it has transparency and credibility in its dealings with consumers.

Alma Express

Attributable to its economic advantages, Alma Express is ranked among the best freight forwarding companies not just in the Kingdom but also internationally. Alma Express shipping companies are experts in offering the best internal shipping services in the Kingdom, placing them on the list of the most significant and well-known shipping companies in Saudi Arabia.

The company offers express delivery inside the Kingdom while guaranteeing the quality of the services supplied with pricing that are affordable for all Kingdom consumer segments. The company offers its services to different regions of the Kingdom through its branches and offices spread out in numerous locations both inside and outside of the Kingdom. The company tracks the transported shipments moment-by-moment to follow their itinerary and ensure the safety of their arrival.

HDL freight forwarding company

In order to increase the rate of commercial activity rates both in the Kingdom and abroad, the company offers its services globally rather than just in the Kingdom. it is interested in offering its shipping services on a global scale because it believes in the significance of the e-shopping process as a fundamental pillar on which marketing companies and offices are based.

The company provides the highest-quality shipping services at low prices for all shipments of various weights and sizes. The company determines the cost per kilogram of the shipment using the transported parcel, to which it then adds taxes and customs fees.

Through its numerous branches and offices located both inside and outside of the Kingdom, the organization offers its services to various parts of the Kingdom.

Al Dhafer Suites freight forwarding Company

Because it offers its unique freight forwarding services at the lowest prices when compared to other businesses, Al Dhafer Suites is one of the strongest shipping firms in Saudi Arabia and one of the best worldwide. This gives it preference when dealing with shipping.

The company delivers the transported shipments professionally, whether the shipments are goods, household objects, or personal belongings. The company offers high-quality shipping and sea and air transport services both inside and beyond the Kingdom.

In addition to providing packaging and packaging services to protect carried items from damage or fragmentation, particularly for important cargo, the company offers loading and unloading services at reasonable pricing.

Zajel freight forwarding Company

Owing to the excellence of its services and affordable rates, Zajel Freight Forwarding Company has been able to hold a distinguished place on the list of the most well-known express shipping businesses in Saudi Arabia.

The business provides express shipping services that deliver packages to clients quickly and without delay. They also offer good shipment wrapping services to protect your items from damage and shipping risks.

The company offers full guarantees for transported shipments, particularly pricey and valuable shipments, permits customers to pay upon delivery, and also abides by the dates set forth for the shipping and transportation of the customers’ items.


In the end, we searched a variety of freight forwarding companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and what made each one unique. Perhaps now you can locate something that meets your shipping needs and budget.


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